Climate Change: Challenge and Hope

An Art Contest

Calling all middle schoolers to get out the paint brushes, colored pencils, cameras etc. to create a piece of visual art expressing your feelings about climate change.

Climate change caused by humans is a growing problem. Are you moved by its challenges? Do you hope for a more sustainable world? Let art express your feelings about Climate Change.

The Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee partnering with Chelmsford Climate Action Team, Chelmsford Art Society, and the Chelmsford Library bring you an Art Contest about Climate Change for Chelmsford’s middle school students.

Cash prizes will be awarded

Two categories:

     5th & 6th grade AND 7th & 8th grade.  

Prizes in each category:

     First Place $75   Second Place $50   Third Place $25

Submit your artwork according to these guidelines:

      • One piece per student (painting, drawings, collages, prints, photographs)

      • Dimensions: no larger than 12 by 18 inches

      • Mount on a stiff backing (such as foam core, cardboard, or poster board)

      • On the back of your art piece securely attach the entry form including*:
            • Your name

            • Grade

            • School

            • Title of your work

            • A brief “Artist Statement” explaining your art and/or what the theme means to you

            • Sign your name (giving permission to display your work)

            • Your contact email address

      *Print out the entry form here