Chelmsford Climate Action Team, CCAT, our local climate group began in 2019, as “The Chelmsford Node” of the MA Chapter of Elders Climate Action (ECA). In early 2020, that Node evolved into the independent entity of CCAT. That’s when we initiated our monthly “Climate Conversations” program (with ECA’s assistance), under the sponsorship of the Chelmsford Public Library. When Covid-19 hit, the Library quickly responded and set up “Climate Conversations” on Zoom.
CCAT was founded to educate our community about climate change and to promote climate legislation. It was formed to deal with local issues with local members. We are still very much connected to the MA chapter of ECA. We also maintain connections with other climate-related groups such as Westford Climate Action, Lowell 350, Mass Climate Action Network MCAN and recently we touched base with a farmer in Pepperell who hopes to start a local climate group there. We have also connected with Chelmsford High School’s Environmental Club (members attended some legislative meetings and also were featured on one of our 2019 TV episodes).
Some of our activities and programs over the past year are listed below:
Legislative Meetings:
Senator Barrett “Climate Town Hall” (Feb 24, 2020)
Rep. James Arciero (July 1, 2019 &1q March 2, 2020)
Rep. Tom Golden: Lowell 350 and CCAT meeting (May 22, 2020 & July 20, 2020))
Rep. Tami Gouveia (June 18, 2020)
Rep. James Arciero and Rep. Joan Meschino on Roadmap Bill (June 29, 2020)
Rep. Tom Golden’s “Green Recovery Task Force” (Oct. 28, 2020)
Local Events:
“Climate Conversations” co-sponsored with the Chelmsford Library. Following is a list of programs. (Some were recorded).
“Legislative Game” Bee Jay Baatz (Jan 2020)
“Chelmsford Community Choice” Tom Amiro (May 14, 2020)
“Regenerative Land Management” Eric Tatara (June 10, 2020)
“Make Sense out of Climate Change” Bern Kosicki (June 2020)
–Melissa Joyce, Chelmsford’s Sustanability Director (Nov. 2020)
–Dianne Sherratt Steimel “Troubled Waters: Fighting Pollution in the Merrimack River” –Communicating about Climate Change with Rishya Narayanan & Paige Dolci, of
Mass Audubon (Oct. 8, 2020)
–Jillian Wilson-Martin, Sustainability Director for Natick, MA (Sept. 2020)
On December 10th join us for a talk on EVs and Clean Transportation with Rishi Sondhi
Chelmsford’s Volunteer Fair -March 2020
(COVID delayed events planned for Dracut and Chelmsford Senior Centers)
CCAT met with Chelmsford’s Select Board (July 27, 2020)
CCAT featured in Eagle/Independent newspaper (Aug 7, 2020)
Meeting with Margaret Smith, editor of Chelmsford newspaper (Oct 15, 2020)
CCAT “Opt Up” campaign started to encourage residents to opt up to 100% renewables
Handed out flyers at DPW Hazardous Waste Drop-off (Oct 31, 2020)
Article on “Opt Up” published in Eagle/Independent (Nov 6, 2020)
Handed out flyers at DPW Leaf Drop-off (Nov 21, 2020)
CCAT prepares Climate Resolution to submit at the April 2021 town meeting
Signature gathering for Climate Resolution (December 4, 2020)
Evening Events:
John Rogers on “The Promise of Wind Power” (Jan 2020)
Kevin O’Reilly on “Critical Thinking and Climate Change” (April 23, 2020)
Adam Sacks on “Land Restoration”
Nia Keith from Mass Audubon on “Climate Justice” (Oct 22, 2020)
CCAT’s active members now number about 20. Our mailing list is approximately 80. Occasionally we email news to Chelmsford’s 160 Town Meeting Members.
We connect with our local papers (Chelmsford Independent/Westford Eagle and the Lowell Sun) occasionally publishing climate-related articles. Our members contribute to the blog on our website
We work regularly with Melissa Joyce, our town’s Sustainability Director, and other town officials, as well as Library and Senior Center personnel. We reach out to places of worship in town and are always looking for volunteers to help with this.
We want to encourage other towns to do what we have done in our town – to form a local sustainability group. We are happy to help other towns get started. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
If you are a resident who would like to be involved, please contact us. You can go to our Home page and at the bottom subscribe to our mailing list.
There are lots more things we can do to educate residents (e.g., see the FAQ) and to advocate for our environment. Do you have ideas of how you can help? Please join us! We welcome all ages.
One of our major initiatives is presenting a Climate Resolution at Town Meeting in the Spring of 2021. You can show your support for by adding your name to the Climate Resolution.
Another one of our initiatives is the Opt-Up campaign to encourage residents to choose a green option in the town’s electric aggregation program, Chelmsford Choice. You can help to promote clean electricity by opting up to one of Chelmsford Choice’s green options. Just go to