Chelmsford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee is currently conducting a Mass Save home energy efficiency campaign with town-sanctioned contractor HomeWorks Energy. As described in a letter from the Town Manager’s office which was sent to all Chelmsford residents, no-cost energy audits are available to all households in Chelmsford that have not had such an audit in the last two years.
In addition to that general program, we are offering a special program to the Chelmsford schools. HomeWorks Energy will donate $25 for each no-cost Mass Save audit conducted at the household of a Chelmsford school student both as a benefit to the school PTOs and as an incentive to urge residents of student households to sign up for no-cost home energy audits.
We would like to get the approval and participation of the Council of Schools (or individual PTOs) in this special program. It is a win-win situation:
Students would bring home a flyer describing the benefits of doing an energy audit and consequently making their houses more energy efficient with potential for cost savings. Their households would register for the no cost Mass Save home energy audit through a dedicated webpage. HomeWorks Energy has created a draft of that page here for you to see:
Please note this link (and also the phone number listed) is different from that in Paul Cohen’s original letter (click to see a copy) because it is customized for Chelmsford’s school households to register for an energy audit. During registration the homeowner would enter the school’s name under the “Referral Code” line.
We hope you will support this fundraising opportunity for the schools, while helping our town meet its climate action goals. It also is a great opportunity for our school children to learn about and promote energy conservation.
Bern Kosicki
Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee
Chelmsford Climate Action Team
Kathy Cryan-Hicks
Chelmsford Climate Action Team