The What, Why, and How of EVs, LIRA Zoom April 18, 1-3
This presentation explained what an electric vehicle is, and how it differs from hybrids. It also covered the many benefits associated with electric vehicles, the various brands available, what to consider when buying an EV, and resources for assistance in selecting an EV. The many rules for rebates and incentives were also presented and clarified, along with specifics of charging an electric vehicle.
The speaker was Tom Amiro of Chelmsford Climate Action Team and Elders Climate Action. He has been driving an EV since October 2019 and recently drove 1557 miles back from St Pete Beach FL. Here is a blog he wrote about the trip.
Here is a document with all sorts of links for information relevant to the presentation
Understanding Massachusetts’ Stretch and Specialized Energy Codes at library on Tuesday, April 11⋅7:00 – 8:15pm
Learn about Massachusetts’s Stretch and Specialized energy codes-how they address building energy efficiency and how the new Specialized code encourages building electrification. Chelmsford may decide whether to adopt the new Specialized code at a future town meeting. In the first part of this event the Chelmsford Clean Energy Committee discussed what this adoption would mean for the town.
Then the main speaker, Paul H. Raymer, discussed moving from the Stretch Code to the Opt-In Specialized Code; the thought behind the new energy codes and the impacts to new and existing buildings, locally and globally.
Paul Raymer has more than 45 years of experience in the energy conservation field and is presently Subcommittee Chair for Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Standard Work Specification; He has held numerous positions within the Building Performance Institute and is a certified HERS Rater. He has also developed and taught courses for numerous colleges, professional societies, and states.
You can get more information on the Specialized Stretch Energy code from:
McCarthy PTO Rock and Roll Bingo Fundraiser
March 25 8-11pm
The McCarthy Middle School PTO presents Rock and Roll Bingo Friday, Mar. 25 at the Chelmsford Elks Lodge (8-11 p.m.) located at 300 Littleton Road. Doors will open at 7 p.m.
Rock and Roll Bingo is open to adults aged 21 and over. Tickets for a table of 10 cost $250 with proceeds to directly benefit enrichment programs for all McCarthy Middle School students.
Purchase Tickets | View Flyer
A cash bar will be available (no outside alcohol is permitted) while contestants are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Raffles will be held and prizes will be awarded through the evening, which includes a 50-50 drawing. CCAT has participated in the donation of a Sustainability Basket with!
- An indoor compost bin
- A bag of compost starte
- A pass to Garden in the Woods
- A book on native plants
- A cloth grocery bag
- A book on zero-waste homes
For more information, contact Kristen Faucher at
Climate Impact of Private Jet Expansion Forum -
Thursday, September 28 - 6:30 - 7:45 -Reed Room, Bedford Town Hall, 10 Mudge Way, Bedford
Massport is planning a massive hangar build-out for private jets at Hanscom Field (NOT at
Hanscom Air Force Base), representing the largest single development in Hanscom’s history. If carried out, these plans will dramatically increase greenhouse gas emissions and undermine municipal, state, and national climate goals at a time when climate scientists are urging us to accelerate these goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The speakers will present information on the proposed expansion and its impact on our climate and our community. After hearing from the speakers, there may be opportunity for questions. RSVP to attend in person or by Zoom: REGISTER HERE – Registration link
For questions, contact:
"Neighbor to Neighbor": Heat Pumps 101 Thursday, September 28 @ 7:pM At J. V. fletcher Library, 50 Main Street, Westford
Westford Climate Action presents “Neighbor to Neighbor: Heat Pumps 101” a free, in-person and online event. The evening will include presentations by HeatSmart Alliance and Westford residents sharing their experience with heat pumps in their homes. A Q&A session will follow.
Learn about financial incentives and rebates.
Cold-climate heat pumps can maintain 100% of their rated capacity down to 5° F and operate to -15° F. In summer, they provide all the benefits of central AC in homes both with and without ducts. Does this technology for heating AND cooling make sense for your home? Learn why you should invest in heat pump technology and how heat pumps will reduce your energy bills while lowering your home’s carbon footprint!
This seminar is co-sponsored by the Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee, HeatSmart Alliance, and the J. V. Fletcher Library.
For online registration, please click here. Or go to
No registration is needed for in-person attendance at the library.
Here is a copy of the slick flyer
January 24, 2023 Bob Zogg
January 24, 2023 Bob Zogg
Weatherization and Heat Pumps with Heat Smart Alliance
N0vember 14th, 2022
Bern Kosicki - Climate Change Action in Chelmsford - What can you do?
This was CCAT’s first live presentation at the Adams Library since COVID-19. Bern described the two climate action groups in Chelmsford, Chelmsford Climate Action Team and the Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee (CEAS). He gave a brief history of CCAT, highlighting the Climate Resolution presented at Town Meeting, which led to the formation of CEAS. Then he reported on what CEAS is working on, highlighting the Green House Gas Inventory and the Climate Action Plan. He reviewed the actions that have been taken so far and the plans for further action, which is where we all come in.
Check out Bern’s slides Bern’s slides
Climate Resolution Passed at Spring Town Meeting 2021
In 2021, the Chelmsford Climate Action Team submitted a warrant article to be taken up at the June town meeting. The article did two things. First, it affirmed that Chelmsford recognizes the human-caused nature of the climate change crisis. Second, it called on the Select Board to create a new town committee responsible for advising the Select Board on getting Chelmsford to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Article 28 was passed thanks to a great deal of legwork done by the CCAT team including publicity, gaining sponsors (the Sierra Club), and passionate speeches at the town meeting itself. In the picture above, Bern Kosicki (CCAT member) is standing at the podium in the white and green paid shirt, presenting the article, while CCAT member and Town Meeting rep Tom Armino (blue shirt) stands at the microphone speaking in support of the article.
Climate Conversations
December 2021:
"Seeing the Whole System: The Security and Sustainability Guide"
With Michael Sales. Visit his website here: No video recording available.
September 2021
Tim Cronin "The New Massachusetts Climate Law"
Stephen Shinopoulos "Making Your Home More Efficient"
June 2021
Mike Simon "Building Science: Electrification and Energy Efficiency"
May 2021
Jesse Panek "Planting Native Species"
Feb 11, 2021
Vineyard Wind's projects
Dana Rebeiro & Rose DeCosta of Vineyard Wind on the status of Vineyard Wind’s projects. No video available.
Jan 2021
Eric Tatara et al: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
November 2020
Melissa Joyce talks on "Sustainability in Chelmsford"
October 2020
"Climate Justice" with Nia Keith from Mass Audubon
October 8, 2020
Communicating about Climate Change
September 10, 2020
how Natick is reducing its carbon footprint
August, 2020
Troubled Waters: Fighting Pollution in the Merrimack River
This documentary by Dianne Sherratt Steimel is available on Chelmsford TeleMedia’s website:
July 8, 2020
Town Hall with MA Representative Tami Gouveia
April 23, 2020
Kevin O'Reilly: Critical Thinking about Climate Change
February 24, 2020
Senator Mike Barrett
January 2020
John Rogers talk on Wind Power
Fall 2019
In the fall of 2019, under the sponsorship of Elders for Climate Action, we produced 3 videos on climate. You can view them on Chelmsford Telemedia ‘s website at the Community Channel: