There is no shortage of problems and issues in this world for us to be concerned about, but science shows that there are things we can do now to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. So why not start now?
We have realized, with the current Covid-19 pandemic, how interconnected we all are in this world. We have seen nations unite around finding a solution to develop a vaccine. A degree of this same sense of mission and unity has been observed globally to solve climate change. There is more research into renewable technologies like wind and solar power.
Science shows that carbon emissions that cause the dangerous greenhouse gases (GHG) come primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. The transportation sector and buildings (from heat and cooling) are in large part responsible for the GHG. We can do small things to mitigate the harmful effects of GHG. Things as simple as having a free energy audit by your energy provider. Or consider “opting up” for 100% green electricity in the Chelmsford Choice program. More people choosing this option will eventually force our energy providers to use more green energy (rather than fossil fuels) to make our electricity. It will cost a few dollars more in the beginning, but along the way costs should start to lower. Most importantly, cleaner, greener fuel will cut emissions.
If you have time to spare, consider joining the Chelmsford Climate Action Team. We can use volunteers to maintain the website, plan programming, help with publicity and more. You could be a liaison between CCAT and your church, civic group, club or other organization and share information from CCAT. It’s a great networking opportunity that helps make a better community.