Chelmsford Climate Action Team

"The test of the morality of a society is
what it does for its children."

-Deitrich Bonhoeffer

"Sustainability balances the 3 E's:
Environment, Equity, and the Economy"

Chelmsford Climate Action Team was formed in 2020 to help educate our community about climate change
and to promote climate legislation and activities.  Subscribe to our newsletter so you will know
when your voice is needed to help drive change in town.


Current Actions to Take

  1. Sign petition to stop private jet expansion as Hanscom Air Force Base
  2. Go to this page to learn about Chelmsford’s initiative to increase home energy efficiency. Then schedule your NO COST Home Energy Audit. Call 1-978-350-0293 or go to HomeWorks Energy Chelmsford Program
  3. Opt Up for clean electricity in Chelmsford Choice
  4. Get trustworthy quotes for Solar on your rooftop from EnergySage who is partnering with National Grid
  5. Start planning your next car to be all electric using Green Energy Consumers Alliance’s Drive Green program. Also check out used EVs at the used EV dealers GreenWave in North Hampton NH and EchoAuto in Tewksbury MA
  6.  Request a FREE consultation on heat pumps from Heat Smart Alliance
  7. Check out the incentives for electrifying your home
  8. Sign up for Chelmsford’s new curbside food waste composting program
  9. Calculate your carbon footprint

upcoming events & Activities

Senator Mike Barrett Public Meeting at Chelmsford Library Feb 25 at 6:30pm

(Registration info below)

Chelmsford’s State Senator Mike Barret, who is a leader of climate legislation in the Legislature,-will visit the Library for a public meeting on February 25. Since his last public visit five years ago, much has happened to address climate change in Massachusetts. What does the new legislation mean to our town and state? What is next? What are your concerns? A description of his talk follows:

State Senator Mike Barrett on Climate Actions in Massachusetts: Massachusetts has been a leader among states in addressing climate change with three major pieces of legislation in the past four years. State Senator Michael Barrett has been a champion for climate action in the state legislature and will discuss Massachusetts’ past and possible future legislation, what it means to us, and what we can do as residents to help meet challenging state and town goals for net zero greenhouse gas emissions. He will also touch on other sustainability and energy issues and will be available for questions from the audience. Please take advantage of this opportunity to hear Senator Barrett and bring your questions.

In addition to Chelmsford, Senator Barrett’s district includes Bedford, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, Waltham, Weston, and a large part of Lexington. He serves as Senate Chair of the Legislature’s Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. The committee’s jurisdiction covers everything from cell phones to alternative energy to public utility reform to carbon pricing

Register at Chelmsford Library Events:

Registration is preferred, as space is limited. If you do not pre-register, you may be asked to wait until all registered people are seated. If you register and find out later that you will not be able to attend, please call 978-256-5521 to cancel. This is event is in-person only.

State Senator Michael Barrett on Climate Actions in Massachusetts

Recent Events & Activities

LIRA Lecture Series: Life on an Unpredictable Planet: Coping with the Threats Posed by Natural Disasters

Date: Friday, January 10, 2025

Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Location: McCarthy Meeting Room (Entire Room)

Audience:  Adult  Categories:  Adult     Adult > Literature & Learning  Online:

For online registrations: Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required.

There are 59 in-person seats available.

There are 266 online seats available.

To register go to library registration page.

A significant percentage of the world’s population lives with the threats posed by various natural hazards. Although deaths resulting from natural disaster events have decreased over time, the economic impacts, social disruption, and effects on our infrastructure have steadily increased. Join speaker Matt Davis to learn more about these threats.  Drawing examples from his research at Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius and Washington’s Mt. Rainier, his experiences in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and his work on earthquake preparedness efforts in California, a number of issues in disaster preparedness and recovery will be addressed. Specifically, we’ll explore the reasons people choose to live in risky places, some of the psychological factors that affect their perceptions of risk and likelihood of preparing for potential disasters, and factors that help in disaster recovery.

Matt Davis is a Massachusetts native and a retired Professor Emeritus of Psychology from Dominican University of California. His research expertise focused on how people perceive their risks from various natural hazards and how to better motivate them to prepare for disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes. He conducted the first research studies of residents living in close proximity to Italy’s two famous volcanoes, Vesuvius and Etna, has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences across the U.S. and internationally, and was a featured expert in the 2006 television documentary: Could It Happen Here?

An avid traveler, he has visited 35 countries, has crossed the U.S. by car on over 50 road trips, and cumulatively, and led students on many study abroad trips across Europe. In 2020 he retired from his faculty position and left California, recently returning to his hometown of New Bedford. He is the author of a travel memoir, At Home in the World: Reflections of a Travel Addict which chronicles many of his adventures while traveling internationally.

LIRA is a multi-faceted educational program for the retired and semi-retired, for which there are neither educational nor age requirements. LIRA’s philosophy is to provide, at a modest cost, college-level learning experiences for all its members, regardless of previous educational background.

LIRA Lecture Series: Electric Vehicles 101
Friday November 22nd, 2024

Curious about getting an electric car, but not sure where to start? The Green Energy Consumers Alliance will cover environmental benefits, cost savings, charging, purchase incentives, and more.

The mission of the Green Energy Consumers Alliance is to empower consumers and communities to speed a just transition to a zero-carbon world.

Our choices as energy consumers are crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to shaping and enacting public policy that protects people and the environment.

Green Energy Consumers’ programs allow people to explore cost-effective, green solutions to their energy needs and to advance state policy toward electrification, renewable energy, grid modernization, and climate justice.

Paid for by the Marjorie Scoboria Lecture Fund

This is a hybrid event. You can attend in person at the Chelmsford Adams Library or use zoom. To register go to this page.

Event Organizer

Jianna Chrisopher

978-256-5521 ex. 1107

CCAT at the fall festival, Saturday, September 28, 2024

A terrific fair took place Saturday Sept 28, 2024 on the town common. Kudos to the Health Department for putting this event on.  Oh, would it be nice to do something similar for Earth Day. The person to talk to about that is Donna Greenwood director of the Health Department. The weather helped to make this one of the most crowded local fairs ever.

It was especially fun for kids. There was a mobile petting zoo, pumpkin painting, coloring, balloon animals, heavy equipment to climb on, dancing and music on the stage. Also there were plenty of food trucks and the Farmers Market was there too in its usual spot.

There were so many tables. The Recycling Committee had one and showed how aluminum foil could be effectively recycled by combining little pieces from Hersey Kisses into a big ball. Didn’t get to check it out, but the table on littering looked interesting. The composting program also had an exhibit.

CCAT was there too. Julie Carney led us, bringing her canopy and table with the CCAT table cloth. See picture below. She also brought some kids puzzles that a former CCAT member, Tamar made. At time it worked well to have the kids play with the puzzles while we talked to the parents about climate change. Bern was right out front asking folks to sign up for our newsletter and become members of CCAT. 

One of the most interesting things that happed was Tom Christiano interviewing us about CCAT. Somehow the police chief even got into the video. Here is a link to the video. Maybe we should get together with Tom C and do more videos on various climate change topics?

Gardening for Wildlife in an Era of Climate Change

Date: September 18, 2024

Time: 6:45pm – 8:15pm

Location: Chelmsford Library, McCarthy Room

Presented by Trevor Smith of Weston Nurseries

Please note: This event is in-person only. Registration for this event is preferred but not required. Walk-in patrons are welcome.

The evidence is clear: Climate change is here. The effects that scientists have long predicted are occurring and will only intensify in coming years. What does this mean for our native flora and fauna? And what can one homeowner really do to mitigate a global crisis? Trevor Smith will take you past the bleak outlook and talk about what we CAN do. How our plant choices and simply changing the way we maintain our properties can make a huge difference in our local ecology. Trevor makes it clear that the power to slow or stop climate change doesn’t rest solely in the hands of government. We can all make a difference. His presentation will leave you inspired and empowered to take action.

Our speaker, Trevor Smith, has 20 years of field experience as a certified regenerative landscape designer.  He  is also a past President and a current Trustee of the Ecological Landscape Alliance.   He currently is the Design and Education Manager at Weston Nurseries.  This presentation sponsored by the Chelmsford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee.

LIRA Lecture Series: An Overview of Climate Change and Associated Impacts With a Focus on New England

Date: Friday, September 13, 2024

Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Location: Chelmsford Library, McCarthy Meeting Room (Entire Room)

Registration is required. There are 61 in-person seats available. There are 297 online seats available. This is a hybrid program. If you register to attend online, you will receive the zoom link in your email. To register, go to the Chelmsford Library event page

There are many misconceptions surrounding the science of climate change due, in part, to a sea of misinformation. This barrier to understanding the significance of the climate change problem is both because of holes in our secondary education as well as intentionally misleading information designed to create doubt which yields a false sense of security and delayed action. Unfortunately, this delayed action has led to an increasing climate crisis we face today. While the impacts of the climate crisis are multifaceted, our scientific understanding has increased sufficiently that we have growing confidence in likely future outcomes not only for increased temperatures and sea level rise, but also for extreme events and water availability, quantity, and quality. As such, we will provide an overview of the changing climate system with a focus on impacts to the hydrologic cycle in New England and the risk of increasing extreme events.

About our Presenters: 

Doctor Jeffrey Basara

Dr. Jeffrey Basara is a Professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and serves as the Chair of the Department of Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences. His research is focused on the complex, integrated processes across weather, climate, water, and ecosystems with specific attention directed toward precipitation extremes and associated impacts such as droughts, flash droughts, floods, and flash floods. He also studies the evolution of severe and extreme weather such as heat waves, cold air outbreaks, and cascading events. Dr. Basara received a B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from Purdue University and both a M.S. and Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma. He is a Kavli Fellow of the United States National Academy of Sciences and has received multiple research awards including the Research, Education, and Economics (REE) Under Secretary’s Award in 2019 from the USDA.

Professor Lori Weeden

Lori Weeden teaches many of the introductory courses for students pursuing a degree in Environmental Science, Meteorology, or Sustainability at UMass Lowell. She also teaches courses to non-science majors covering environmental science, natural disasters, forensic geology, and climate change. She is the self-proclaimed curator of the department sand collection and serves as the EEAS Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs and the Chair of the Kennedy College of Sciences Curriculum Committee. Lori received a BA in Studio Art from the University of Texas, a BS in Environmental Science from UMass Lowell, and her MS in Geology and Geophysics from Boston College. She is currently working on a Leadership in Education PhD where she is exploring the history of Earth science education in the United States.

Paid for by the Marjorie Scoboria Lecture Fund

Climate Cafe at Senior Center Wednesday, August 7, 10:30 AM, Rm B07

Come learn about relatively inexpensive steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and start to heal the planet. There are many things we can do to reduce our impact on Earth’s changing climate. 

Members of the Chelmsford Climate Action Team and the Chelmsford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee will present ideas for sustainable living and describe actions the town of Chelmsford is taking to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. 

Refreshments will be provided!

Call 978-251-0533 or email to register.

Country Fair July 3rd and 4th

Visit the CCAT booth and chat with us! Also pick up a postcard for the MVP2 Community Survey.

Sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs – United Nations Bruntland Commission.

Ongoing Events & Activities

Monthly Member Meeting

Usually hosted on the third Monday of every month at 7:30pm.  These meetings are not content-focused.  They’re about accomplishing our goals around town, so the conversation largely revolves around strategy, priorities, and logistics.  If you’d like to attend, just reach out to us and we’ll send you the link for the Zoom meeting.

MVP2.0 Project Is conducting a Community Survey

As part of the Municipal Vulnerabilities Project 2.0, the Town of Chelmsford is soliciting input from community members about your top concerns and wishes. You are invited to respond to the following survey

The MVP2 Team is distributing this postcard with a QR code for the survey.

Also the MVP2.0 team will have members attending some of the following events to promote MVP2.0 and participation in the survey.

Upcoming tabling events:

  1. Saturdays at the Farmers Market 
  2. June 20th – Open Space and Recreation Plan Open House – Senior center 5-7pm
  3. Country Fair July 3-4 – the Clean Energy and Sustainability
    Committee and CCAT will have MVP2.0 materials and encourage participation in the survey

Chelmsford's Curbside Composting Program

The Chelmsford DPW initated a new curbside organics program for food scraps. The curbside service provides every other week pickup.  A 6-month subscription for every other week pickup is $14.99/month. 

DPW will provide the compost starter kit, which includes a 13-gallon bin or 4-gallon (apartment option) bin and set of compostable liners that will be delivered by Black Earth. Interested residents can sign up directly through Black Earth at

Residents that participate in the curbside program are also provided with a voucher for one 40-lb. bag of compost redeemable at places nearby.  Should more than 300 Chelmsford households register, the subscription price will be lowered by 20% for all participants. 

Chelmsford Embarking on MVP 2.0

The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to build resilience to climate change. Communities who completed the MVP Planning program (MVP 1.0) became certified as an MVP community and are eligible for future funding to complete resilience projects. Chelmsford completed MVP 1.0 and is beginning MVP 2.0.

Evan Belansky, Director of Community Development for the Town of Chelmsford, has pulled together an MVP 2.0 team. Importantly, the team includes Community liaisons, people who live or work in the community and who are from and/or have strong relationships with Environmental Justice or other priority populations. They may have a formal role within the community, such as an outreach coordinator for a community-based organization, or an informal role, such as someone who is well-connected and respected within their neighborhood or community.

Grant funding will be used to compensate Community liaisons for their contribution to the process.

Based upon socio-economic data the following are examples of targeted CL’s.

  • Senior living alone
  • Single female household with children
  • Disabled person (living alone)
  • Minority (Indian / other) who speaks English as second language.
  • Renter and the above criteria

The following link provides an overview of the MVP 2.0 purpose and process:  download (

If you would like to learn more about the MVP 2.0 program and team formed in Chelmsford see this page, and  please let Evan Belansky know. 978-250-5231

Chelmsford Main streets Program Begins

This program provides exceptional savings on insulation, air sealing and energy equipment for Chelmsford businesses

Look for letter to businesses from town manager, 

Limited time- act now.  For further information contact Energy Source, a
Mass Save contractor,

Past Events & Activities

Climate Change: Challenge and Hope

Calling all middle school students to participate in a climate change art contest. There will be cash prizes! Entries must be dropped off at the library between April 22 and April 29th, 2024. The artwork will be exhibited at the Chelmsford Library from May 4 to May 30, 2024. For more information and the entry form, go to our Art Contest page.

Climate Art Contest Award Presentation, 3PM Saturday May 4, at Chelmsford Library Meeting Room

In addition to the Environmental Fair taking place at the Chelmsford Library on Saturday the 4th from 1-4PM, the the Awards Presentation for the Climate Art Contest (Climate Change: Challenge and Hope) was held in the Library Meeting room at 3PM.

Afterwards the artwork will be on exhibit in the library until May 20th. Please come and view these wonderful creations. They also will be put up for viewing on this website at this page.

Environmental Fair, May 4th at Chelmsford Library, 1-4 PM

Join us on the Library’s front lawn for a fair featuring local organizations working to fight the effects of climate change in our community. 

Here is a list of organizations or individuals who have registered to participate at the fair:

  • 350MA Lowell
  • Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
  • Chelmsford Climate Action Team
  • Chelmsford Energy and Sustainability Committee
  • Chelmsford Recycling Committee
  • Chelmsford Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • Chelmsford Conservation Committee
  • Conscious Planet/ Save Soil
  • DarkSky International
  • Heat Smart Alliance
  • Homeworks
  • KitingUSA
  • Pollinator Garden at Sunny Meadows
  • SunRun Solar

Earth Day Fair at First Parish Chelmsford Unitarian Universalist Church
On Sunday, April 21, 2024, 11am during Social Hour or attend worship first at 10am

This is BIG and it’s GREEN!!

Join the church’s Green Committee Group (Amanda Maclean, Christina Cervantes, Diana Keohane, Lara Fredrick, Nancy Kaelin, and Rebecca Gore) for Earth Centered Activities. There will be a Special Guest with Eco-Information. CCAT will also be there to show you how to calculate your carbon footprint.

For more information or to join this action taking group contact us:

We are looking into ways to connect with YoUU, UUA Green Sanctuary 2030, & YoUU!

Green Tip: One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. -William Shakespear.

Thursday, April 11, 7pm, EV 101

Are you curious about getting an electric car, but not sure where to start? Attend our in-person meeting at the Millennium School, 23 Depot Street, Westford, or the virtual meeting via Zoom to learn the basics. Our guest speaker is Anna Vanderspek, Electric Vehicle Program Director for Green Energy Consumers Alliance. We will cover environmental benefits, cost savings, EV charging, and purchase incentives. At the end of the presentation, panelists, who are all Westford EV owners, will discuss a wide variety of topics including making the switch to electric cars, range anxiety, road trips, charging, and more! Get your questions answered in person or online. to participate via Zoom.

Saturday, April 13, 9am -2pm, EV Show

There will be several models of EVs available for you to see and talk with their owners at the Abbot School parking lot at 25 Depot Street, Westford. No registration is necessary and no rain date is scheduled.

These events are sponsored by Westford Climate Action, Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee, and the Westford Sustainability Department.

2024 Volunteer Fair at Senior Center, March 23 1-4 PM

Among many other Chelmsford organizations, CCAT will be attending the volunteer fair to seek volunteers. If you are concerned about climate change and want to become more active, come to the fair and check out our table. We could certainly use help with Face Book, our website, outreach on energy programs, etc. Come tell us your ideas on things related to the environment, sustainability and climate change that you would like to help with.

Chelmsford Public Library organized this event. For more information browse this link.

Harvey Leonard Presentation, Climate Change: Simple, Serious, Solvable, January 23rd at 3:00 PM

We, the Middlesex Conservation District, are inviting you to attend a presentation by Harvey Leonard,
Chief Meteorologist Emeritus of WCVB-TV/DT. Harvey will be presenting Climate Change: Simple, Serious, Solvable on January 23rd, at 3:00 PM at the First Parish Church United of Westford. The address for the church is 48 Main Street, Westford, MA 01886. This event is free and in-person.

Details about the event and where to register can be found here. Alternatively, you may contact Andrea Grossman at this email address, to RSVP.
This event is co-sponsored by the Middlesex Conservation District, First Parish Church United of Westford, and Westford Climate Action.
Kind regards,
Andrea Grossman

Andrea Grossman, District Administrator

Middlesex Conservation District 

319 Littleton Road, Suite 205, Westford, MA 01886

(978) 303-8272

Environmental Justice and Building Our New Grid -
Where Should It All Go?

Saturday, January 20th, 2024 2pm – 3:30pm

Hybrid Event: In person at First Parish Concord – 20 Lexington Rd and online

RSVP Here. 

Facebook Event here.


Join the MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table to discuss the elephant in the room- how do we build the renewable distributed electric grid we need fast, while not repeating the mistakes of the past? Learn more about our vision for infrastructure, energy democracy, and centering frontline communities in the process- as well as the current policy proposal from the EJ Table to greenlight good projects fast and nip bad projects in the bud.


The MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table members include GreenRoots, Alternatives for Community & Environment, Coalition for Social Justice, Arise for Social Justice, Groundwork Lawrence, and the North American Indian Center of Boston with allied support from Conservation Law Foundation, Union of Concerned Scientists, Massachusetts Public Health Association, Unitarian Universalist Mass Action, Clean Water Action, MA Climate Action Network, and Environmental League of MA.


This event is co-sponsored by 

  • 350 Mass

  • Brookhaven Residents’ Climate Change Committee

  • Canton Sustainable Equitable Future 

  • Climate Action Group, Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence 

  • Climate Action Now (Western Mass)

  • Fix the Grid Campaign

  • Massachusetts Climate Action Network

  • Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light, Inc. 

  • Mothers Out Front Massachusetts

  • Our Climate

  • Slingshot

  • Sunwealth


To have your organization co-sponsor this event, fill out this form: 

Neighbor to Neighbor Solar Energy 101 Thursday, January 18, at 7:00 pm, at the J. V. Fletcher Library, 50 Main Street, Westford.

Westford Climate Action presents “Neighbor to Neighbor: Solar Energy 101” a free, in-person and online event on Thursday, January 18 @ 7:00 pm, at the J. V. Fletcher Library, 50 Main Street, Westford. The evening will include presentations by a WCA member as well as Westford residents sharing their experiences with their rooftop solar systems. A Q&A will follow.

Topics covered will include: How Solar Panels Work, Components of a Home Solar System, Solar System Energy Production, How Home Solar Saves You Money, Available Tax Credits, Backup Batteries and Solar, Buying/Renting a Solar System From Initial Quotes to an Operational System

This seminar is also sponsored by the Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee and the J. V. Fletcher Library.

This program will be hybrid. For online registration, please click here  for the online Zoom option only. If you are attending in-person, you do not need to register.

CEAS Presented Article 25 at Fall Town Meeting
Asking town to Opt-in to Specialized Energy Code
October 19 at senior Center

NOTE: The Specialized Energy Code was Passed!!!!
The Specialized Energy Code:
    • Affects new construction only, not existing buildings
    • Allows for use of gas or oil in new construction but demands that solar also be added to building site to partly offset greenhouse emissions.  Also wiring for future electric appliances and heat pumps must also be installed during construction.
      • Costs of adding wiring are very modest.   Solar install expense has been shown to be approximately recoverable in house sales price- it is also an improvement to the home, and an asset in reducing electric utility costs..
    • New construction that is all electric has the same requirements as the already adopted Stretch Code
Thanks to all who attended the Town Meeting and advocated for passage of  Article 25.We had heard grumblings that Solar makes it harder to sell a house, and that incentives are better than regulations for private homes. In general, the current push to reduce emissions through electrification is using incentives rather than penalties. As a result, the home owner will get a 30% tax credit to install on-site Solar. When building a new house, an optimal Solar system can be designed by orienting the house toward the sun and maximizing the size of the rooftop on which to place the panels. The home owner will have the choice to continue using fossil fuels in spite of the fact it is counter to our town and state goals to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050. In the long run that jeopardizes our safety from the damages caused by escalating climate change. It is not such a hardship to ask them to make up for these emissions by generating some clean renewable energy.

Westford Climate Cafe
Thursday, October 19th, 1:30 PM
J. V. Fletcher Library, Westford
Mary Atwood Room

Westford Climate Action will host an informal Climate Cafe: The Climate Crisis:  What can we do in our daily lives? This will be the first in a series of informal community conversations based on residents’ questions and concerns on climate and sustainability.

A representative from the New England Energy Efficiency Company (NEEECO), an affiliate of Mass Save, will be available to discuss money saving ideas to make our homes more energy efficient. All are invited and no signup is necessary. Refreshments will be served.

Check our website for more information:

Home Energy Efficiency - Tuesday, October 10, at 7:00 PM
Chelmsford Public Library

Are you interested in reducing your home energy costs, making your home more comfortable, and cutting your carbon emissions? Chelmsford’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Committee will discuss the town’s partnership with HomeWorks Energy. Come learn how you can save energy and money! Watch for further notice in the Chelmsford Library newsetter and calendar to register.

Fall Festival on The Chelmsford Common - Saturday Sept 30th 12-4 pM

CCAT will be participating in the 2nd annual Fall Festival on the Common, organized by the Chelmsford Health Department. We will have information about how residents can reduce use of polluting fossil fuels by transitioning from gas to electric stoves, dryers and heating/cooling systems, and by opting for clean energy sources through the Chelmsford Choice electrical aggregation program. We will also have a children’s activity to encourage adoption of sustainable actions. Stop by to chat with us at Booth #47 on Westford Street and help spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors about this new Chelmsford tradition.

Climate Impact of Private Jet Expansion Forum -
Thursday, September 28 - 6:30 - 7:45 -Reed Room, Bedford Town Hall, 10 Mudge Way, Bedford

Massport is planning a massive hangar build-out for private jets at Hanscom Field (NOT at
Hanscom Air Force Base), representing the largest single development in Hanscom’s history. If carried out, these plans will dramatically increase greenhouse gas emissions and undermine municipal, state, and national climate goals at a time when climate scientists are urging us to accelerate these goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The speakers will present information on the proposed expansion and its impact on our climate and our community. After hearing from the speakers, there may be opportunity for questions. RSVP to attend in person or by Zoom: REGISTER HERE  Registration link

For questions, contact:

For more information see this Handout  and this Flyer

"Neighbor to Neighbor": Heat Pumps 101 Thursday, September 28 @ 7:pM At J. V. fletcher Library, 50 Main Street, Westford

Westford Climate Action presents “Neighbor to Neighbor: Heat Pumps 101” a free, in-person and online event. The evening will include presentations by HeatSmart Alliance and Westford residents sharing their experience with heat pumps in their homes. A Q&A session will follow.

Learn about financial incentives and rebates.

Cold-climate heat pumps can maintain 100% of their rated capacity down to 5° F and operate to -15° F. In summer, they provide all the benefits of central AC in homes both with and without ducts. Does this technology for heating AND cooling make sense for your home? Learn why you should invest in heat pump technology and how heat pumps will reduce your energy bills while lowering your home’s carbon footprint!

This seminar is co-sponsored by the Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee, HeatSmart Alliance, and the J. V. Fletcher Library.

For online registration, please click here. Or go to

No registration is needed for in-person attendance at the library.

 Here is a copy of the slick flyer


Home Energy Efficiency - Wednesday, September 27, at 10:30 AM
Chelmsford Senior Center, 75 Groton Road, Rm B07

Are you interested in reducing your home energy costs, making your home more comfortable, and cutting your carbon emissions? Chelmsford’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Committee will discuss the town’s partnership with HomeWorks Energy. Come learn how you can save energy and money! Call 978-251-0533 or email to register.

CCAT on July 4th, 2023

This year we are going to host a table. Visit the Chelmsford Climate Action Team at the Chelmsford Country Fair on July 3rd and 4th –  We will be in the Unitarian Church parking lot. Learn about Mass Save audits, the Chelmsford Choice Electrical Aggregation Program, and other ways to save energy and help fight the climate change crisis. 

Please stop by our booth and let us know how you view sustainability and climate change in Chelmsford.
•    NEW Town sanctioned Mass Save weatherization program.  Come to learn about energy savings
•    Chelmsford Choice-our Town electricity aggregation program.  Increase your use of  clean electricity up to 100% without needing solar panels or contracts!

Last year we marched in the parade

Garden Tour at Pollinator Preservation Garden
saturday July 1st, 9AM - 11AM

Come to a garden tour at the Pollination Preservation Garden, Sunny Meadow Farm
168 Robin Hill Rd, Chelmsford, Massachusetts

Garden host Giancarla Kalpas will be available to answer questions about the plants and the at-risk pollinators that we are trying to help.

Haystack: Mission, History and Present Climate Change Work - Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 pm

On Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 pm at the Westford JV Fletcher Library, Dr. Colin Lonsdale, MIT Haystack Observatory’s Director and radio astronomer, will present a talk on “MIT Haystack: Mission, History, and Present Climate Change Work” both in-person at the Library and via Zoom.  This is free and  open to all. Dr. Lonsdale will be sharing the Observatory’s work, climate change science and how things affect astronomy.  Q&A will follow with the audience. Please contact Justin Liberti for the Zoom link at

Earth Day Celebration at Library on April 22nd, 1-4 pM

Hope you joined us for Earth Day for our  second environmental fair that was held at Chelmsford Library on April 22. CCAT. In spite of the cold, several town committees and local climate related organizations provided information on the town’s sustainability efforts, heat pumps, electric vehicles, solarization and other topics.  Plus some nature friendly exhibits.

Organizations that were represented were:

Chelmsford Library – (who had a display of books inside, co-sponsored the event, and gave out Douglas Fir seedlings from the Mass Tree Wardens.)
Chelmsford Climate Action Team – cohost
Chelmsford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee
Chelmsford Land Conservation Trust
Chelmsford Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Chelmsford Recycling Committee
Chelmsford Center Water District
Chelmsford High School Eco Club
National Grid Clean Transportation
Energy Sage
Pollinator Garden at Sunny Meadow
Heat Smart Alliance
Community Teamwork CAP Contractor
Conscious Planet (SaveSoil)

This event was free and open to the public and held on the library’s Scoboria Greenway. The library lead contact was Jessica at

Here are some pictures showing you what it looked like at this terrific event. Please come out next year to celebrate Earth Day!

Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee

Dave's Wind Turbine

Recycling Committee

CHS Eco Club

Energy Sage

Heat Smart Alliance

National Grid Clean Transportation

Pollinator Gardens

Chelmsford Climate Action Team

Tom's Tesla Y

Community Teamwork CAP Contractor

Chelmsford Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Save Soil (Conscious Planet)

Tamar's Teepee

About Us

We are residents of Chelmsford, Massachusetts who share a commitment to climate legislation, advocacy and education in our community.  We want to prevent the harmful effects of climate change and protect the planet.

Are you concerned about climate change?

Then join our team!  Reach out to one of us if you have any questions, or feel free to just show up to one of the meetings you see in the Calendar section of our site.

Taking action in Chelmsford

A proven track record of helping to make Chelmsford green!

Net Zero Chelmsford

It was our group that introduced the Warrant Article at Town Meeting that set Chelmsford on the path to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Sharing Ideas and Connections

We sponsor occasional speaker programs with the Library, along with environmental fairs to meet with other organizations..

future programs and plans

We are coordinating with the town's Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee (CEAS) to help drive equitable change in Chelmsford.

Let's talk

Please reach out to us if you have any questions about Chelmsford Climate Action!

Blog Posts by our Members

2022 Newsletter Released

2021 Year in ReviewChelmsford Climate Action Team (CCAT) had a successful year in 2021 with the achievement of ourmain initiative – to promote the formation of a town committee to

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Start Simply. Simply Start!

There is no shortage of problems and issues in this world for us to be concerned about, but science shows that there are things we can do now to mitigate

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